Is Design Dead?

On this week's blog I will talk about article “Is Design Dead?", by Martin Fowler. The article's main topic is to define and argument if software design is dead and why is this about. The author also explains multiple agile methods like XP (Extreme Programming) are causing a large number of developers to think that this is the beggining of an end of good software design.

Extreme Programming (XP)
Extreme Programming is an agile method to develop method. It accelerates the process of developing and making software. Main rule of XP is communication. In this agile method, developers, and client work together to develop software. Since its an agile method documentation is not a priority and this starts to become the problem,

So in order to confront this reality, I think that everyone needs to consider design when they are using agile methods. But agility doesn't mean to be bad design. Design is not dead and I can confidently says it is gaining back territory in appreciation with our generation.


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